Star Security Services

Our Services Covers Wide Range Of Needs

Industrial and Corporate Security
Retail Security
Event and Celebrity management
Industrial and Corporate Security
Retail Manpower
Event and Celebrity management
Dog Squads and handler Team
Body Guards /VIP protection
Armed Escort for Cash and valuables
Mobile patrols
Housekeeping Staff
Private Watch & Ward
On-site Job Specific Manpower
Confidential Detective Services
Any Customer Specific Manpower

Recruitment Process

The preliminary selection of candidates interested in joining Star Security Service is conducted at recruitment Centers. The screening process involves review of academic qualification and physical quality requirement (QR) in line with the company’s recruitment policy. Once selected at the recruitment centers, the prospective candidates reach nearest located academy where verification of antecedents, Medical examination, re-checking of QR and verification of all documents is conducted.
Selected candidates are taken into the academy for two weeks fully residential training programmed by qualified instructors, following the specially designed modules that are continuously validated and updated, conducting relevant training processes.
The training includes both physical and theoretical session. There is a periodic evaluation in the process channel during the entire training period. At the end of the training programmed there is a qualifying criterion and those who fulfill the same are qualified for deployment through a passing out parade.
The centralized reeducation training cell at the corporate office distributes the qualified candidates of all academies to different branches as per business requirements projected by the branches on monthly basis. for the next six months, R & T cell monitors the performance, retention, desertion and other pre- specified parameter of the deployed manpower and the data is analyzed by management during business review exercise . The specialized recruitment pattern and the training capabilities at the RTAs the USP of SSS.


The quality and consistency of onsite security supervision determines the quality of personnel and alertness offered by STAR SECURITY SERVICES. Our consistent policy of supervision eliminates the deterioration of officers providing an alert and pro-active service.
At STAR SECURITY SERVICES Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) are used at every site and random supervision inspections are conducted by our seasoned supervisors. A SSS supervisor would visit each client location at least twice one random time, each week.

Security Guard Services

SERVICES:-SSS provides fully trained and screened security personnel to maintain secure environments for company and employees, our physical security service are designed to fully integrated with Electronic systems.
We impart trainings that provide curriculum to maintain maximum guard, vigil, protection for the onsite manpower & assets and that ensures the level as per Unskilled/Semi-Skilled & Skilled Manpower. Our officers are selected for their professional demeanor, attitude and ability. All employees undergo comprehensive background screening, criminal record and fingerprint checks. Security personnel are prepared to politely handle and diffuse delicate situation, while taking a proactive stance enforcing client policy.
SSS manned security service is supported by a 24/7 manned control room. In this ever changing world “SECURITY“is an essential part of day to day life from the initial interview stage we select only the individuals that meet our high standard and our continuous development plan. We ensure to enable our employees to complete their roles with all the required knowledge and tools to be at the success edge.
SSS Training school at Vapi and Rona undertakes thus recruited personnel through rigorous physical and classroom training on every conceivable aspect of the required parameters. The training syllabus has been designed by very professional trainers and in the line with the current and future requirement of the growing manpower industry in India. The instructors at the Training Academy are retired Indian Army Commissioned AND Non- Commissioned Officers from the education & Training wing, acclaimed Professionals of varied area in Human Resource Management and Specific curriculum.